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Andrew Marshall Wildlife Photography
Stoats and Weasels: These fantastic little animals are well known for being fierce and elusive little hunters. Almost impossible to predict they are a difficult photographic subject but by putting yourself in likely places at the right time you can sometimes just get lucky!
Weasel (mustela nivalis)
Tiny hunter: quick as lightning and really small this fierce little hunter was found hunting a rabbit warren in Oxfordshire.
Weasel (mustela nivalis)
Hiding out among the bluebell shoots
Stoat (mustela erminea)
Close up amongst the forget=me-not flowers.
Stoat (mustela erminea)
Hunter in the forget=me=nots.
Stoat (mustela erminea)
Int the winter some stoats turn pure white: this one in Oxforshire didn't go to the trouble relying on speed and cunning to avoid the short eared owls that hunt this meadow.
Stoat (mustela erminea)
Distant and mercury quick : a difficult animal to photograph.
Stoat (mustela erminea)
Hunter in the winter meadow.
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