Andrew Marshall Wildlife Photography

Shop with my images on various gifts including: prints, cards, mugs and more! : follow the link:

My photo location guidebook:
'Photographing Wildlife in the UK' has arrived : 368 pages, full colour ,70 locations and 450 photographs.
You can now order from the online shop :
Order : Photographing Wildlife in The Uk
This is a 368 page, full colour guide to 70 of the best places in the UK to photograph wildlife with 450 photographs, tips on technique and information both on the locations and the species you are likely to see there. I hope it is a useful and interesting book for any aspiring or already succesful wildlife photographer. I am delighted to say the forward is by the naturalist and presenter Iolo Williams from BBC Springwatch !
Iolo Williams says :
How I wish this book had come out 30 years ago! Andrew Marshall has packed so many stunning images, so many tips and so much knowledge between two covers that I genuinely didn't know where to start. This is a man at the peak of his profession, a brilliant photographer who has learned his craft by spending untold hours out in the field. To be a great photographer, you must get to know your subject intimately; study its behaviour, its habits and its preferences, look for its favoured perches or resting sites, get out at all hours in all weather. Andrew has done all of these things and more, and the fruits of his labour are here for all to see.
This book is a wildlife photographer's bible. It tells you some of the best places to go to see particular species, gives tips on fieldcraft, techniques and equipment. It travels the whole country from the northernmost tip of Shetland down to Brownsea Island and from Skomer in west Wales across to East Anglia. Although it concentrates on the spectacular and the photogenic, it does not neglect the commoner species and it will prove invaluable to beginners and experienced wildlife photographers alike.
You cannot help but be impressed by Andrew's knowledge and ability. His images are beautiful, his writing concise and succinct. I have been enthralled by this book, so much so that it has inspired me to pick up my camera once more and venture out into that enthralling playground that is the British countryside. What I admire most about the man and his book however, is his continual emphasis on the fact that the wellbeing of the wildlife comes first. As Andrew himself says, a true wildlife photographer takes pictures of wild creatures looking at home in their environment. Bravo!
This is a cracking book and a worthy addition to anyone's bookshelf. Buy it, treasure it and use it.
This website is a portfolio of images by Andrew Marshall.
Raised in the Lake District, now living in the Cotswolds, I took up a good quality Nikon camera in 2011. I am a full time Garden Designer and Landscaper and photography is now a major addition to my work.
I am a contracted contributor to the RSPB image library;
RSPB Image library; Andrew Marshall
For the past three years I have been working on a wildlife photography book which is now published (March 2016) by fotoVue.
Please like my facebook page to stay tuned to future events!
Remember to 'like' the page at the top right on the following link!
I am currently also offering accompanied trips to see and photograph much of the wildlife on these pages, including to the Isle of Mull, Shetland Isles and Farne isles.
If you are interested in this or one to one wildlife photography tuition days either at Otmoor RSPB or at a reserve near you ! Please contact me for more details at :
All images are copyright, please contact me at if you wish to use or purchase images and prints.
I hope you enjoy them!
Many thanks, Andrew Marshall.
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