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Andrew Marshall Wildlife Photography
Black redstart: This beautifully marked robin sized bird is a rare passage migrant in the Uk with a very small breeding population it seems to prefer industrial landscapes and coastal areas. This smart little male overwintered on the coast near Weston super mare in Somerset, Uk.

Black redstart:Phoenicurus ochruros
Typically found in industrial areas where it feeds on insects.

Black redstart:Phoenicurus ochruros
Male black redstart close up .

Black redstart:Phoenicurus ochruros
Profile: striking plumage highlighted in the winter sunlight.

Black redstart:Phoenicurus ochruros
Perche don coastal boulders where he was hunting for insects in the warm sunshine.

Black redstart: Phoenicurus ochruros
All dressed up and no place to go

Black redstart:Phoenicurus ochruros
Any vantage point will do

Black redstart:Phoenicurus ochruros

Black redstart:Phoenicurus ochruros

Black redstart:Phoenicurus ochruros
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