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Andrew Marshall Wildlife Photography
Badger (Meles meles); Difficult to photograph due to their nocturnal habits, Badgers are seldom seen in daylight hours. Either using very high ISO or flash photography is usually necessary, sometimes however in dry warm years the badger get hungry enough to venture forth in daylight.

Badger pair
Posing for a photograph, close up using nettles as a hide!

Badger cub emerging from a sandy sett!
Young Badger cub covered in sand from his daytime sleep in the sett.

The white stripes!
Badgers out at dusk, photographed hand held, 300mm f2.8 lens, dusk in the Cotswolds.

Badger, scratchin' that itch!
Big old adult Badger scratching that itch that is really difficult to reach!

Three's a crowd.
Three Badgers watching and alert.

Mother and cub.
The younger cub in the foreground seems to always be a bit sandier than the adults!

You bite my back...
I'll bite yours! Badger pair grooming , The Cotswolds.

Badger (meles meles)
Foraging in the leaf litter

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