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Andrew Marshall Wildlife Photography
Brown Hare.
Most of the time Brown Hares can be tricky to get close to, requiring hours of fieldcraft to get a photograph. Then again sometimes they let you get really close. All brown hare shots from the Cotswolds and Otmoor RSPB reserve in Oxfordshire. Portrait pictures Brown Hare relaxed in winter sunshine.
Big ears on the look out !
Brown hare on the alert ! cotswolds, UK.
Brown hare, lepus europeus.
Handsome is as handsome dowes!
Up in the hare
Caught on the hop: A brown hare caught in mid air.
Brown hare portrait. Cotswolds.
Handsome male brown hare, The Cotswolds.
Brown hare (Lepus europeus)
Portrait Brown hare in winter sunshine.
On the run
Brown hare running across the fields , Cotswolds, Uk, spring.
Brown hare leveret portrait
Brown hare (Lepus europeus)
Handsome is as handsome does.
Brown hare (Lepus europeus)
Boxing hares ; The female fends off an admirer.
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